Methodological aspects of projecting environmental energy efficient buildings
DOI:Ключові слова:
Eco-design, ecologization in design, the life cycle of an object, energy efficiency, thermal balance.Анотація
The article is dedicated to methodology of eco-design and technical aspects of energy efficient buildings projecting. The concepts of the life cycle of the eco-object and life cycle ecologization are considered. The scheme of life cycle еру eco-object is presented and described.
The basic principles of construction of geometrically interpreted physico-mathematical models of processes of heat exchange of energy efficient buildings are revealed. It is noted that the use of building decomposition methods, which is appropriate for dividing the object into simpler elements, allows to present the building in the form of three main energy interconnected subsystems: the energy influence of the external climate on the building envelope; energy contained in the shell of the building, i.e. in the outer enclosure of the building; energy contained inside the building, i.e. in indoor air, indoor equipment, indoor enclosure structures and the like. If necessary, each of these subsystems can be represented by the method of decomposition into smaller, energy-related elements. The design of an energy efficient building is to optimize the three energy interconnected subsystems and the building as a whole as a single energy system.
Also, the article describes three stages, which includes the design of energy efficient building in accordance with the principles of system analysis: construction of a mathematical model of heat and mass transfer processes in the building; choice of target function; solution of the set optimization problem.
Therefore, as one of the most urgent tasks in determining the level of energy efficiency of buildings and structures is the analysis of their thermal balance, taking into account all energy and energy losses, so the further development and creation
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